Roger the Resilient Rhino

Our Learning Power Journey has started. We have always felt that children need to be equipped with the skills to be good learners and over the past few years the school has started to look at implementing the progressive teaching of learning powers to pupils.  As a school we have embarked on a journey to develop learning powers into our school curriculum. It will take a number of years to fully integrate the learning powers. Term by term pupils will be exposed to a new learning power. They will become familiar with the terms and what they actually mean and will be able to identify when they are exhibiting a learning power. You may find yourself hearing a whole range of words being used by your children to describe their learning powers.

This term our focus learning disposition is resilience. The children were introduced to the idea of resilience through a character called 'Roger the Resilient Rhino`.  The aim is to encourage the children to realise the importance of 'sticking' with their learning- especially when it becomes tricky! Have a look at the resources below which you will now find on display in your child's classroom. What can you child tell you about Roger the Resilient Rhino?

Being resilient, like Roger, is about not giving up, learners can….


  • get lost in learning – I can be on task and get completely absorbed in my learning
  • manage distractions – I can shut out distractions when I’m learning
  • persevere – I can stick with my learning, even when I find it hard
  • be creative – I can think in creative ways and use it to further my learning

Download more information on 'Building Learning Powers'

Roger's message to;

Reception & Year 1 : Roger doesn’t give up. He likes challenges. Roger tries really hard not to get distracted.
Year 1 to 6: Roger is a sticker. He doesn’t give up. He likes to be challenged and is up for anything! Even when he’s finding things tricky, he sticks at his learning and tries his best. Roger doesn’t get distracted because he has learnt to block out things that would distract him. He also has eagle eyes and notices everything!

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St Werburgh & St Columba Primary School

Lightfoot Street

Tel: 01244 478968

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