Year 5/6 2023 - 2024

Welcome to the Year 5/6 class page. We will update our page regularly with information that you will need so if you're ever unsure, check here.

We look forward to working with you throughout the year to come.

Class Saints

All classes in our school have a class saint. Our class saints in Year 5/6 are:

Mr Coaker - St Patrick Mrs Hayward - St Anthony Mr Roberts- St Winifred
M Coaker.jpeg 25-3FD4D2BB02.jpeg G Roberts.jpeg


Homework is set on Fridays and is due in on the following Wednesday. We will let your children know what pages have been set each week for homework and we will also publish the pages on the school bulletin. The homework is work booklet based. Your child will be given a set of workbooks at the beginning of the year. It is important that the children complete their homework and hand it in on time.


Our PE day is Thursday with all three classes participating with either Mr Stevens or Mrs Berlinski. 

We are asking that you send your child in on Thursday, already in their PE kit. If your child is doing football please make sure they have a change of shoes and spare socks in case they get wet during the lesson. Your child can obviously change into their boots in school.

Swimming will take place in the summer term.

Each class now has an individual timetable (due to each class doing different activities on different days during the week) so please refer to the downloads section of this page for further information on each particular class.

Curriculum Plan

In Years 5 and 6 we two year curriculum plan Cycle A and Cycle B. We will be covering Cycle B in the academic year 2023 - 2024

Please click the links below to see the plans.

Years 5 and 6 Cycle A

Years 5 and 6 Cycle B Curriculum Plan

Summer 2024 Topics 

In English we will be studying some wonderful books including The Paperbag Prince, Skychasers and Arthur and the Golden Rope

In Science we will be learning all about animals including humans with a focus life cycles looking at different types of plants and animals and the different ways in which they develop throughout their life.

In Geography, we will be exploring the Mediterranean and looking at some of the similarities and differences between this region and the UK. We will then take a closer look at the geography of Greece for a closer study of this particular region.

In History, we will be exploring Ancient Greece. We will be investigating what life was like during this period of history

In Art our topic will be looking at sculpture and design and explore the work of serveral mordern furniture artists including  This will lead to the children designing and creating their own piece of furniture using a variety of different techniques.

This is just a taste of what we will be doing in the Summer Term 2024, please look at Cycle B of the Curriculum Plan below for more information.

Fact Files

We use these fact files in school and will send a copy home to help you and your child understand more about the topics covered during the school year. These contain key dates from the time period studied, vocabulary discovered during learning and some key facts and information about the topic. As well as a History or Geography Fact File we also provide a Science one. 

Reading Lists

Please click on the links below to access some suggested reading for Year 5 and Year 6.

Year 5 Reading List

Year 6 Reading List


Long Term Plan For English

Pathways to Write - Feature keys progression

Pathways to Write - Texts and mastery overview


PE Long Term Plan

Files to Download

Year 5/6: News items

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Year 5/6: Blog items

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Year 5/6: Gallery items

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Contact Us

St Werburgh & St Columba Primary School

Lightfoot Street

Tel: 01244 478968

Email: - for new enquiries

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