Our Code of Behaviour
We have high expectations of behaviour at St Werburgh’s and St Columba’s Catholic Primary School. We understand the importance of the gospel values in our school. We feel this policy should reflect respect, forgiveness, reconciliation, Catholic beliefs and our positive behaviour management philosophy in school.
This is a whole-school approach to encourage consistency. We believe that it is important to set good habits early and we encourage a positive relationship with each other and the whole community. We believe that children should be given the opportunity to try to put things right if they make mistakes with their behaviour.
Every behaviour pattern is driven by an emotional state; therefore we believe strongly that an emotionally literate school with a clear, strong ethos of positive behaviour management will help support the emotional states and behaviour patterns that we experience every day.
Please look at the School's full Behaviour Policy.Trauma-Informed-Behaviour Policy 2022
See also Parental Code of Conduct